Pet Projects

Game of Crowns This is a simple NxN board game to place exactly one crown in each row, column and region. User can solve challenges and share or invite friends to compete with. It is also an SSR PWA, having very elegant and user-friendly UI. It saw engagement from 100+ countries within few days of it's launch.

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Colorizer This App has strobe color in fullscreen based on near audio source. It has solo mode(default) and party mode. User can change sensitivity towards audio based on their liking. In party mode, all devices color changes will be synced to host's device. It's an SSR PWA, having very simple and elegant UI. It uses web-socket connections to sync in party mode.

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DevTube - YouTube for Develpoers. Watch and learn from best Programming Tutorials, Interview Questions, Front-end, Backend & Other Technical Stuff from Youtube. It's an SSR PWA, easy to use web app having “Top videos for various tech topics and famous youtube channels” served from youtube API via Redis cache. Also has “Bookmark”, "Dark Mode" and “Continue watching“ features.

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CoolStar is an SSR PWA App. It's a clone of ( — Watch TV Shows, Movies, Live Cricket Matches & News Online). Made particulary with focus on mobile. It also has dark mode.

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Spectrify is a Music Visualiser SSR PWA App. The idea is to create a fullscreen music player with custom background images and Visualisers. This is still a work in progress.

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